Health Care and Wellness
We believe that health care services are important for promoting and maintaining health of the people, reducing unnecessary disability and premature death. Our strategic aim of healthcare and wellness coverage is to ensure that mankind can make the utmost use of health services without the risk of financial ruin or impoverishment.
The main goals for health care and wellness is to improve the health for the population, improving the responsiveness of the health care to the population it serves and fairness in financial contributions.
We organize various health care programmes. Such programmes play a central and critical role in improving access and quality of physical and mental health care for the population. Through such programmes we provide essential services that promote hygiene, prevent disease and deliver health care services to individuals, families and communities to make our nation healthy and safe.
Programmes for Women’s Health Care
In order to promote health and hygiene and raise awareness about good hygiene habits we have been organizing Health and Hygiene cognizance. Our crusade focused on providing health educators and the rural women/children from remote areas with tips on how to help prevent the spread of disease and also influenced people by encouraging them to adopt simple healthy habits that can prevent illnesses. Our aim is to change the harmful age old habits and practices.
Altering behavior by itself, is a mammoth task and it necessitates as much investment and time as building infrastructure. So we plan to contribute supervision to the women to build responsiveness. Programmes are organized in different villages to promote awareness at large.
Ayurveda Camps
Ayurveda – the science of life and longevity is an ancient Indian system of holistic medicine, which has emerged as an important form of holistic therapy throughout the world. Its essence is the conjunction of body and mind to achieve optimal health and happiness. Considering this fact and promoting ancient medical science, we provide various means to people to understand medical treatment that can be done through Ayurveda. People from rural areas are also benefited through these camps on various illnesses. We organise various Ayurvedic medical camps with Panchkarma practices in different localities of Goa.